Amber Lynn Vitale joins to discuss the importance of becoming
a label reader.
Amber first obtained a BA in 1994 from Colorado College, and then went on to pursue
her passion in bodywork and nutrition. Her massage training started in 1996 in
California at the Alchemy Institute for the Healing Arts, continued with post
-graduate studies at Ohio University in osteopathy. She became a Licensed Certified
Nutritionist through American Health Sciences University/National Institute for
Nutritional Education in 2000, then went on to study Ayurvedic Medicine through
The Florida Vedic College and Drs. Bryan and Light Miller.
Amber also serves on both the Taste for Life and Natural Practitioner select Editorial
Advisory Boards as an authoritative practitioner to provide readers with insight and
perspective that will help them build and better their practices and their health.
Talking Points:
-What can a label tell consumers?
-What does a branded ingredient really mean?
-Touting ingredients and studies and not on the right form or amounts
reported in the study.
-How can consumers be better educated?