Quercetin is in the news again for its benefit against C-19. This positive news is welcome by people looking for natural ways to support immunity since many experts believe some variant form of C-19 will remain indefinitely. People are looking […]
Herbs that help Reduce Blood Pressure Similar to Common Drug
High blood pressure is a significant health problem around the world. In the United States, it is estimated that nearly half of adults have high blood pressure as is a primary cause of death for more than 500,000 people. Astoundingly, […]
Blood Sugar Control and what you need to know…
It has become obvious that there is a great deal of biochemical individuality when it comes to how people respond to different foods, supplements, exercise programs, and medications. To achieve and maintain optimal health, you need to get just the […]
Congestive Heart Failure
Author: Jane Jansen of the Tree of Life Wellness Center Congestive heart failure (CHF) (also called heart failure) is a serious progressive condition in which the heart muscle is less able to contract or is structurally limited in its ability […]
Health Benefits of Mushrooms and Turmeric.
The health industry is known for its trends that come and go seemingly overnight, but when one takes off like a speeding train you might want to start paying attention. This recent trend happens to be zeroed in on two […]
Do you have acid reflux or the more severe form known as gastroesophageal reflux disease? (GERD) This is one of the most common digestive conditions treated by gastroenterologists and primary care doctors. Typical symptoms include heartburn, regurgitation, and throat pain, while […]
Bladder Muscle Issues
Millions of Americans are frustrated with their urinary problems. More specifically, the need to urinate multiple times a day and night and leaking urine is frustrating to many people over the age of 45. Fortunately, there have been successful advances […]
Mercury: The Energy Robber
The body has a very sophisticated and complex system for producing energy. All the cells of the body can use glucose as a fuel source. Most cells can also use higher energy long-chain fatty acids as a fuel source. Yet, […]
Arteries Plugged?
It’s an all-too-common occurrence in America when someone feels chest pain or shortness of breath, goes to the emergency room, has tests run, and then is shocked to find out their arteries are plugged with plaque! I am not surprised […]
Migraine headaches can be horrific for many people. According to the CDC, about 20% of women and 10% of men had a severe headache or migraine in the past 3 months. Several drugs can help prevent and treat migraine headaches, […]