To help us unpack all the research and studies we have Dr. Stengler joining us today.
In addition to authoring 30 books on health and several best-sellers such as “The Natural Physician’s Healing Therapies,” “Prescription for Natural Cures,” “Prescription for Drug Alternatives,” and “Outside the Box Cancer Therapies,” Dr. Stengler has been published in several peer-reviewed medical journals such as The International Journal of Family & Community Medicine, Endocrinology & Metabolism International Journal, and Journal of Nutritional Health & Food Engineering.
Dr. Stengler’s, NMD. The newest book is called, The Holistic Guide to Gut Health. A comprehensive yet accessible approach to healing leaky gut and the many uncomfortable symptoms it causes. Dr Stengler is also the founder of The Stengler Center for Integrative Medicine.
Talking Points:
Palmitoylethanolamide (PEA), is a naturally occurring fatty acid derivative made in the body and found in small amounts in foods. Several human studies have demonstrated that PEA has broad-spectrum pain-relieving properties, anti-inflammatory effects, and nerve protection.
PEA was first discovered in 1957 by scientists at Merck Sharp & Dohme, who isolated it from egg yolk, peanut meal, and soy lecithin. They found that PEA had anti-inflammatory properties in guinea pigs.
However, PEA’s role as a potential therapeutic agent was not widely recognized until 1993, when Rita Levi-Montalcini and her colleagues published research that suggested PEA has anti-inflammatory properties. Levi-Montalcini’s group termed PEA an autocoid local injury antagonist (ALIA), and suggested that it acts locally to counteract injury
Multiple studies have demonstrated that PEA improves all sorts of pain. For example, a 2023 analysis of 11 studies found that PEA improved pain of various conditions, including muscle and joints, nerves, gynecological, and digestive. In terms of joint pain, a high-quality study demonstrated that PEA significantly reduced adult joint pain compared to placebo. Moreover, 8 clinical trials demonstrated that PEA was effective for low back pain, sciatica, and carpal tunnel syndrome. Even migraine headache pain was shown in published research to be improved with PEA.
Lipid mediators help to balance the immune, nervous, and endocrine systems, affecting pain pathways related to inflammation. But unfortunately, due to changing diets, many of us do not get the nutrition and activity we need to make enough PEA ourselves.
Supplemental PEA, by Levagen+ is properly formulated for optimal bioavailability, 75% more bioavailable to cell receptors than dietary forms
Levagen+ liposomal delivery of PEA has been clinically studied and shows benefits in joint pain, nerve pain, migraine, infections, sleep, and cognitive function.
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