As we get older, we gradually make less and less DHEA after age 25. Interestingly, as we get older, we make more and more cortisol; and less and less DHEA. DHEA is what helps counterbalances cortisol in the body.
Ideally, cortisol is only released into the system occasionally, as a protective response, rather than on a chronic basis. But in today’s busy world, most people deal with ongoing stress every day, for years at a time. If cortisol levels are too high for too long, they may have undesirable side effects including feeling tired, bloated… loss of bone density, muscle wasting, thinning of skin, fluid retention, weight gain, increased vulnerability to bacteria, viruses, and cancer.
When cortisol is up, your DHEA levels are down….and vice versa The two hormones have an inverse relationship in the body. DHEA counterbalances the harmful inflammatory effects of cortisol. The ideal ratio of DHEA to cortisol is 10 to 1. But for most people over 45, they have far too much cortisol and not enough DHEA.
Do you lack energy, feel washed out and tired? Or maybe you have been experiencing age related challenges? There is a large chance diminishing levels of DHEA may be the cause.
Joining us today is Hugh Woodward, He is the President of Health2Go, Inc the makers of Twist 25 DHEA cream. Hugh is a subject matter expert on DHEA dedicating nearly 2 decades of his life to studying the medical research about it, and starting a company to research, develop the safest most effective DHEA supplement that can be made and distribute it.
In 2007 Mr. Woodward started Health2Go, Inc. to research and develop leading edge anti-aging and wellness products and bring them to people conveniently and cost effectively.
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