In this episode we speak of a few common Digestive issues that are really setting people up for unwanted health problems. Those are Acid Reflux, Leaky Gut and IBS.To help us unpack all the research and studies we have Dr. Stengler joining us today.
In addition to authoring 30 books on health and several best-sellers such as “The Natural Physician’s Healing Therapies,” “Prescription for Natural Cures,” “Prescription for Drug Alternatives,” and “Outside the Box Cancer Therapies,” Dr. Stengler has been published in several peer-reviewed medical journals such as The International Journal of Family & Community Medicine, Endocrinology & Metabolism International Journal, and Journal of Nutritional Health & Food Engineering.
Dr. Stengler’s, NMD. The newest book is called, The Holistic Guide to Gut Health. A comprehensive yet accessible approach to healing leaky gut and the many uncomfortable symptoms it causes. Dr Stengler is also the founder of The Stengler Center for Integrative Medicine.
Learn More about Dr. Mark Stengler, NMD
Learn more about the book, The Holistic Guide to Gut Health.